review on ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays (part3)

TOM HAMILTON review for ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays’ (part3) 18TH FEB 2014 (μέρος2)

O TOM HAMILTON σχολιάζει για το έργο ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays’ (μέρος2)
review on ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays (part2)

TOM HAMILTON review for ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays’ (part2) 18TH FEB 2014 (part1)

O TOM HAMILTON σχολιάζει για το έργο ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays’ (part1)
review on ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays (part1)

TOM HAMILTON’s review for ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays’ (part1)
3rd Festival of Greek Theatre

3rd Festival of Greek Theatre

A double bill of Modern Spanish plays

A double bill of Modern Spanish plays

Bülbül Sustuğunda – Λονδίνο 13 & 20 Οκτωβρίου