review on ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays (part3)
TOM HAMILTON review for ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays’ (part3)
TOM HAMILTON review for ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays’ (part3)
TOM HAMILTON review for ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays’ (part2)
TOM HAMILTON’s review for ‘A double bill of Modern Spanish plays’ (part1)
Article by Kostas Georgousopoulos, TA NEA online 07 September 2012
The website www.remotegoat.co.uk reviewed the play “The Bacchai” which was presented in London at Theatro Technis in March 2012.
The website fringereview.co.uk reviewed the play “Antigone” which was presented in London at Theatro Technis in October 2011.
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