translation by Yannis Goumas
Cartes Postales
The night collapses in this white corner with the split screen swallowing the teeth fingers and eyeballs of passersby. A bottle of alcohol is rolling along the road’s curve. The bottle falls in the river with a creased piece of paper against the current.
Save me. Find me and pull me out by the hair.
Coexistence is a multi-unit enigma.
The total is revealed by fitting each loneliness
to the other’s outline.
It’s customary. A lonely look at things – with the guilt of an animal that’s eating sweetmeat intended for bait. At a certain moment it may be forgotten. Once the sugar crystallizes on the palate. The slaughter takes place between blindness and utter clarity. Common denominator is the white, the world’s white corner that resembles death.
Kedros Publ. 2015