“En Spoudi” was created on January 2007, participating in “Empty Space” the institution of the Experimental Scene of the National Theatre, where we performed in June 2006. That’s why we chose the name “En Spoudi”, in a very good coincidence: studying for the theatre, with a new play in our disposal, we dared our first step to create something with sincere enthusiasm.
Conscious of the importance of experience and wide knowledge, we gained a lot through our journey with “The Wedding Dress”. Not only the magic atmosphere of the performances or people’s excellent comments, but especially our way to get there. It is certain that learning in theatre, the most complete and demanding form of art, never ends.
Vision and constant zeal is a motive. It also requires technical support, the know-how and practical knowledge. It needs men, a living potential that co-operate to create and offer something special. We believe in the power of a team, in communication and sense of responsibility.
Therefore we appreciate everyone who has supported our work and we are willing to work with other professionals. For this new play we searched for talented co-operators with a fresh opionion on things, that are willing to try, test and fail, and try again until we get what will satisfy us without compromising, a result that justifies the sense of modern theatre.